DU059 – Can UX Specialists exist after Coronavirus?

The Coronavirus has changed the way organisations are thinking about and delivering Design. For many, getting things designed, developed and out the door is a matter of survival. Discovery Research or strategic UX work seems to be on the back burner for now, in favour of tactical approaches. How can UX and Research specialists fit into this new world?

DU055 – Working and Parenthood

Trying to balance work and parenthood is always challenging.

How can organisations support both expecting and recent parents more effectively?

Carla talks about her experience at Google and her newfound LinkedIn fame.

DU050 – Networking

Networking can strike fear. But it is an essential skill for a Designer. We talk through different approaches, and why it doesn’t have to be terrifying.

DU048 – UX Contracting

What are the differences between a UX contractor or freelancer and a permanent employee? What are the advantages and disadvantages of contracting? We chat about this increasingly popular way of working.

DU047 – Starting a new UX job

Would you know what to do on your first day as a new UX Designer? Chris and Carla help calm your nerves with some tips to help prioritise and hit the ground running.

DU043 – Transitioning to UX

Chris and Carla sit down over a pint of beer to discuss how you can transition into UX from both related and unrelated industries.

DU016 – UX Portfolios

UX portfolios are how you sell yourself to potential employers. But what goes into a portfolio? How much UX work should you show? What format should a UX portfolio be in? Chris and Carla pass on some tips from both sides of the fence as hirers and candidates which should help you craft a winning […]

DU014 – UX Job Interviews

The format of UX job interviews can vary a lot. Some contain design challenges, most will want to explore your design thinking and process and some just involve having a coffee.

Chris and Carla talk through some of their experiences from being both interviewers and candidates and pass on some tips to help you prepare.