DU020 – User Research Analysis

What is the mysterious process between doing user research and then doing something with it? Hint – it’s called user research analysis. Carla, Chris and special guest Christina Li talk about note-taking, affinity mapping and sh*t sandwiches. Transcript Episode – DU020 User Research Analysis. Host: Chris Mears and Carla Lindarte. Guest: Christina Li 00:17 Chris: […]

DU017 – Prototype or Protohype?

Prototyping is the process you go through to get design in front of real users.

Paper prototyping, Axure mockups, Invision, Sketch – there are a hundred ways to get an output you can use in user research. But which is best and what should you use when? There’s only one way to find out..

DU015 – Guerrilla User Testing

Guerilla user testing is the art of approaching complete strangers and getting them to test your designs out in the real world.

It can be scary, but with the right preparation it doesn’t have to be a shot in the dark at getting the insight you need.